Monday, May 12, 2008


Okay Andy, do some instructional illustrations for how to win a pie eating competition. Good luck and Godspeed.

1. Don't eat anything before the contest to maximize your potential pie intake.
2. Attach your plate to the table with tape or Velcro to prevent it from sliding away from you.
3. Tie your hands behind your back. you don't want to get disqualified.
4. Slam your whole face into the pie and stick out your tongue. Pull the food toward your mouth.
5. Eat by turning your head to the sides and up and down. This will get a lot of pie stuck on your face and in your hair. You will be dirty but it will get the pie off the plate faster.
6. Try to eat as much crust as possible, as a half-empty plate from side to side looks like a lot less pie then from top to bottom. Try to uncover as much plate or pan as possible.
7. Have fun

1. Often, instead of a pie you will get a plate with pudding and whipped cream.
2. This activity may be better suited for outdoor enjoyment.
3. Plastic coverings for body and table are recommended.
4. If you aren't allowed to tape or Velcro the plate down grab it and flip it over.
5. If you are hosting the competition have different divisions of ages.

1. Don't use hot pies in a pie eating contest. You could burn yourself on the filling.
2. Don't eat so fast that you choke. Move your head back to breathe.
3. If you start to feel sick, stop for a few seconds. Taking a short break will improve your overall speed and prevent a big mess.

Things You'll Need:
1. Plastic poncho or trash bags
2. Velcro

-love jolene

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